Prayers and Meditations Read - Listen in Many Languages!
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Reading & Recitation
in different Languages
Prayers & Meditations is a book of The Mother's Spiritual Diary.
It is very important guidance in Sadhana of Integral Yoga.
These are prayers by the Divine Mother descended to very material layers of Time & Space on Earth to help evolve Man into Superhuman.
These Prayers are a call to Her own Eternal Form to bestow Power, Peace, Patience and Guidance in the process of great Evolution!
These Prayers are originally in French. Sri Aurobindo translated 6 in English and edited other 58 translated by disciples. Subsequently, the Mother added many more finally adding up to 313 prayers. They are now translated in many languages.
This web-site is a humble effort to present initial 64 prayers as Text and Recitation in different languages.
This is a project by members of Sadhana Study Circle, New Jersey, USA and devotees from around the world.